Center for Medicinal Chemistry announces 6 PhD fellowships
Center for Medicinal Chemistry announces its first initiative of co-funded PhD fellowships with the industry. The initiative is financed with 9 mill DKK and is a broad collaboration between researchers from the Center and the industry, and it is supported by the Lundbeck Foundation and UCPH.

Center Leader Professor Lennart Bunch, comments on the new initiative:
“This is a great opportunity which brings together scientists in academia and industry to address important challenges in medicinal chemistry. It is an excellent opportunity for the new PhD students to work in a multi-disciplinary environment."
The subjects of the six PhD research projects span diverse challenges in medicinal chemistry research and aim to address urgent needs as well as understand fundamental problems. As a key value for the Center, all six PhD fellowships have supervisors from both Department of Chemistry, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, and the industrial partner. The PhD fellows will also serve in center committees and associations. The new positions are open to application with application deadline January 1, 2023.
The six PhD fellowships are financed by one-third from the Lundbeck Foundation, one third by industry partner (Daré Bioscience, Novo Nordisk A/S, Agilent Denmark and TetraKit Technologies ApS), and one-third from University of Copenhagen, a total of 9 mill DKK.
PhD project titles and supervisors:
“Non-hormonal male contraceptives”
Supervisors Christian M. Pedersen, CHEM and Anders Bach, ILF
“Ultra-bright nanoparticles with antibody conjugation for diagnosis”
Supervisors Bo W. Laursen, CHEM and Elisabeth R. Ulven, ILF
“Role of GPCR physiological concentrations in tissues on its pharmacology”
Supervisors Karen Martinez, CHEM and Trond Ulven, ILF
“Investigations towards the optimal library design”
Supervisors Christian A. Olsen, ILF and Morten Meldal, CHEM
“Development of theranostics targeting the neuropeptide Y1 receptor”
Supervisors Matthias Herth, ILF and Knud J. Jensen, CHEM
“Supramolecular guided protein functionalization”
Supervisors Rasmus P. Clausen, ILF, and Michael Pittelkow, CHEM