Protein-membrane interactions in health and disease in the Galvagnion Group

Our research aims at understanding how changes in protein-lipid interactions can lead to the loss of function and/or the gain of toxicity of proteins in the context of disease.

collage of Protein membrane interactions


















1. Sphingolipid changes in Parkinson L444P GBA mutation fibroblasts promote α-synuclein aggregation (Galvagnion C, et al, Brain, 2022)

2. Short chain negatively charged phospholipids initiate α-synuclein aggregation (Galvagnion C, et al, Nat Chem Biol. 2015; Galvagnion C, et al, PNAS 2016)

3. Lipid molecules co-assemble with α-synuclein into amyloid fibrils (Galvagnion C, et al, J Phys Chem Lett. 2019)




















































DFF project 1

Céline Galvagnion received a DKK 2,879,534 grant from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond for the project “Understanding the cytotoxicity of protein-lipid aggregates in Parkinson’s Disease”. This project aims to investigate the toxicity of protein-lipid aggregates and fibrils in different cellular models of Parkinson’s Disease.

FEBS Youth travel grant

Jesper Elmsted Dreier received a 695 € travel grant from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) to attend the FEBS Advanced Lecture Course entitled “Protein folding, aggregation and compartmentalization”.

EraPermed project

Céline Galvagnion and her partners received a 1.749.377 € collaborative grant from EraPermed for the project “DEEPEN-iRBD Prodromal DEtErminants for PhENoconversion of idiopathic RBD to alpha-synucleinopathies (PD, DLB and MSA)”. The DEEPEN-iRBD study aims to model the progression of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) towards Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The DEEPEN-iRBD study is coordinated by Graziella Cappelletti from the University of Milan and involves partners from Milan Maugeri Clinical Science Institute, the Lund University, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, the Danish Parkinson’s Association and the University of Zagreb. (Twitter; LinkedIn)


Innovation Fund Denmark’s Industrial PhD Fellowship

Céline Galvagnion and her collaborators received a DKK 1,072,000 Industrial PhD grant from Innovation Fund Denmark for the project “LRRK2 modulation of lysosomal function and α-synuclein homeostasis – investigation of how LRRK2 mutations lead to Parkinson’s disease”. The project is coordinated by Tau Benned-Jensen at Lundbeck.


Parkinsonforeningen project grant

Céline Galvagnion received a DKK 145,000 grant from the Danish Parkinson’s disease foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) to continue our work on investigating the interplay between lipid changes and protein aggregation associated with decreases in glucocerebrosidase protein and activity levels in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells.


Novo-Nordisk Foundation Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator grant

Céline Galvagnion received a DKK 9,978,812 Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator grant from the Novo-Nordisk Foundation for the project “Brain lipid ageing and selective neuronal vulnerability in the context of Parkinson’s Disease”. This project aims at identifying disruptions in lipid metabolism associated with ageing and Parkinson’s Disease in neuronal cell models and post-mortem brain samples. More information can be found here.


Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship

Céline Galvagnion received a DKK 4,499,587 Young Researcher Fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation for the project “Establishing the role of Glucocerebrosidase mutations and associated changes in lipid metabolism in the emergence of alpha-synuclein and Parkinson Disease pathology”. This project aims at identifying disruptions in lipid metabolism associated with GBA mutations in neuronal cells and post-mortem brain samples. More information can be found here.

Parkinsonforeningen project grant

Céline Galvagnion received a DKK 100,000 grant from the Danish Parkinson’s disease foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) to start the work on investigating the interplay between lipid changes and protein aggregation associated with decreases in glucocerebrosidase protein and activity levels in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells.

















Group leader

Group Leader

Céline Galvagnion
Associate Professor

Phone +45 3533 7828

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Dreier, Jesper Elmsted PhD Fellow +4535322043 E-mail
Galvagnion-Büll, Céline Associate Professor +4535337828 E-mail
Marlet, Frederik Ravnkilde Postdoc +4535334982 E-mail
Schott, Katharina Helga PhD Fellow +4535324523 E-mail
Schøler, Betina Vidtfeldt Laboratory Technician +4535325191 E-mail
Stenstrøm, Krista Stroyer PhD Fellow E-mail
Navn Titel E-mail
Josephine Fussing Tengberg Industriel PhD student E-mail

Group photo of the Galvagnion group.