Kohlmeier Group

Levels of arousal underlie whether an organism is awake or asleep and in some sleep disorders, can be regulated improperly. Inappropriate levels of arousal are also associated with drug addiction behaviours.

Our laboratory is interested in elucidating the neurobiology underlying arousal with the hope that we can identify targets for managing or restoring appropriate and adaptive levels of arousal associated with human behaviours.

Accordingly, work in our laboratory is conducted to elucidate the neuroactive chemicals involved in mediation of sleep and the level of arousal. Moreover, we investigate changes in sleep patterning associated with other arousal disorders, such as depression and stress. In addition, we examine the actions pharmacologic agents have on activity levels of neurons importantly involved in generation of arousal state to gain understanding of the mechanisms of action of clinically relevant drugs.






































































Our research projects



















Group leader

Group Leader

Kristi A. Kohlmeier
Associate Professor

Phone +45 3533 6055

Group/project members

Internal researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Amir Rezagholizadeh Visiting Student E-mail
Jefferson Novaes Gomes External, Ph.d Student +4535333859 E-mail
Kristi Anne Kohlmeier Associate Professor E-mail
Sunaina Rafi PhD Student E-mail

Yang Wang, PhD Student                            E-mail