Core facilities
The Department houses facilities within selected research areas. Our core facilities may be accessed by external researchers via a collaborative or fee-for-service basis.

The Copenhagen Small-Molecule NMR Centre is a state-of-the-art facility for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In-house expertise includes structural characterisation of small molecules, metabonomics, hyphenated NMR-techniques including high-resolution screening, and natural products research.
Find more about NMR core facility
The DCF contributes to the implementation of digital core curriculum elements in ILF courses and provide computational research/data science contributions to projects anchored at ILF.
The analytical core facility houses a range of instruments, enabling detailed characterisation of pure compounds as well as complex mixtures. Key capabilities include the use of advanced mass spectrometry techniques to characterise compounds with pharmaceutical applications.
Find more about Analytical core facility
- Chemistry laboratories
Certified laboratories for work with radio ligands, cell cultures, molecular biology and histology- Microscopy facilities, including confocal
- In vitro and in vivo facilities for electrophysiology
- In vivo pharmacology research unit
- Facilities for protein purification, crystallisation and X-ray crystallography
- Extensive computing facilities.