Award 2025.03.21 A key figure in rethinking pharmaceutical education” – Tommy Nørskov Johansen receives the Danish Pharmaceutical Society’s Gol On Tuesday 18 March, Chairman of the Danish Pharmaceutical Society Christian Bernstein Rubek presented Head of Studies at Pharma School Tommy Nørskov Johansen with the award at an official society ceremony.
GRANTS 2025.01.23 AI, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s: Brain research at SUND receives major grants Two neuroscience research projects at SUND receive grants from the Lundbeck Foundation. A total of nine researchers are a part of four supported projects.
2025.01.21 Morten Lindow is the new Head of Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education As per February 1, Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education welcomes Morten Lindow as the new center leader.
2025.01.15 Joseph Matthew Rogers is our new Associate Professor in Peptide and Protein Medicinal Chemistry At Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Joseph Matthew Rogers is now Associate Professor within the field of Peptide and Protein Medicinal Chemistry, as of February 1, 2025.
GRANTS 2024.11.08 Six researchers from SUND receive grants for brain research The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences receives grants from The Lundbeck Foundation to six projects within neuroscience research.
Pharma Research 2024.10.28 Blanca Aldana receives Alzheimerforeningen’s Forskerprisen 2024 Alzheimerforeningen and Alzheimer-forskningsfonden have given Associate Professor Blanca Aldana Forskerprisen for her major contributions to the field of dementia.
GRANTS 2024.10.23 SUND researchers receive more than DKK 100 million from research fund 38 research projects at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen receive funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Pharma Education 2024.10.01 Graduation Ceremony 2024 Last Friday, graduates from our PharmaSchool educations were invited to a celebration of their new status. As something new, the celebration took place in the festive Ceremonial Hall at Frue Plads in central Copenhagen.
PHARMA 2024.08.27 New center will future-proof education of experts to Danish life science University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark are leading a new center that will boost the pharmaceutical sciences education by integrating data science at all levels of education.
Pharma Research 2024.08.16 New partnership for a better healthcare system Charlotte Vermehren is Co-Pl on the project, which is supported by the Velux Foundation with DKK 5.7 million.
Pharma Outreach 2024.06.28 In science for truth, not positive results Science is all about discovering reality and not about confirming the researcher’s high hopes or bias. Beatriz Cruz Luzon made a point of this lately at the Lundbeck Brain Battle, winning the competition and the prize o…
Pharma Education 2024.06.19 Pharmacy students celebrated last exams with their fiery tradition This Monday, PharmaSchool’s students said goodbye to their bachelor's program with their unique tradition: the burning of their lab coats.
Pharma Research 2024.06.11 Our new professor of radiopharmaceutical chemistry We celebrated the inauguration of Professor Matthias Herth as our new professor of radiopharmaceutical chemistry on May 31.
Pharma Research 2024.05.27 Our new expert in clinical and applied biochemistry Friday 3 May we celebrated Lasse Bak's appointment as professor. Lasse Bak is part-time Professor of Clinical and Applied Biochemistry in a collaboration with the Department of Clinical Biochemistry at Rigshospitalet.
Pharma Research 2024.03.08 Protein design with deep learning Joseph Matthew Rogers used deep learning methods to design new and stable proteins with a high capacity for peptide binding. The research was published in Nature in the article “De novo design of high-affinity binders o…
Pharma Research 2024.02.01 Azadeh Shahsavar receives a Pioneer Innovator 2023 grant Assistant Professor Azadeh Shahsavar has received a Pioneer Innovator 2023 grant of 1 mill DKK from Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Pharma Education 2024.01.31 Susan Weng Larsen Head of PharmaSchool Associate Professor Susan Weng Larsen is the new Head of PharmaSchool from 1 March 2024.
Pharma Research 2024.01.29 Céline Galvagnion-Büll is Associate Professor in Biophysical Pharmacology From 1 February, Céline Galvagnion-Büll will be tenured Associate Professor in Biophysical Pharmacology, based on a public job posting last fall.
Pharma Research 2023.12.19 Four grants from Carlsberg Foundation Carlsberg Foundation supports four research project here at the Department, three Research Infrastructure grants and a Semper Ardens: Accelerate grant.
Pharma Research 2023.12.18 Matthias Herth Professor of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry From the beginning of January 2024, Matthias Manfred Herth will be our new Professor of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry here at the Department.
Pharma Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2023.12.01 Kristian Strømgaard receives the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences’ Industry Prize 2023 The Danish Academy of Natural Sciences has awarded Professor Kristian Strømgaard with the Industry Prize 2023.
Pharma Research 2023.11.30 From multifunctional genes to more precise use of medicines A single gene or protein can have several functions for the organism, for example aspects as different as height, vision and heart function or eczema and mental impairments.
Pharma Research 2023.11.29 Lasse Kristoffer Bak is Professor From December 1, Lasse Kristoffer Bak will be part-time Professor in Clinical and Applied Biochemistry here at the Department. The position is time limited for five years based upon a collaboration with Rigshospitalet…
INNOVATION 2023.11.09 Innovative UCPH project aims at developing a spinout from launch BioInnovation Institute announces funding for the new UCPH project 'Neurophase' which aims to build a viable company.
Pharma Research 2023.10.31 Miriam Kolko Professor in Translational Eye Research From first of November, Miriam Kolko has been employed as Professor in Translational Eye Research at ILF, where she focuses her research on personalised glaucoma care, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and quality of…
Pharma Research 2023.10.30 Our new professor in Medicinal Chemistry Last Friday, Anders Bach was inaugurated as professor at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, a ceremony that was celebrated with a reception in Atrium afterwards.
Pharma Research 2023.09.27 Data infrastructure project will be a one-stop-shop for drug developing researchers Professor David Gloriam has received 12 mill DKK from Novo Nordisk Foundation for the new data infrastructure project, “Online research infrastructure for receptor function and drug design”.
2023.09.26 Petrine Wellendorph new Head of Programme for DRA Professor Petrine Wellendorph has been appointed Head of Programme for Drug Research Academy from August XX. This is a position where she will set the direction for the education of researchers within the field of…
Pharma PhD 2023.08.24 DRA Summer School 2023 This week nearly 130 PhD students attended the summer school, the annual two day’s event arranged by DRA, Drug Research Academy.
Pharma Research 2023.08.01 Two new professors: Rasmus Prætorius Clausen and Anders Bach Head of Department Dan Stærk: It is with great pleasure that I can announce two new professors, Professor Anders Bach and Professor Rasmus Prætorius Clausen, starting today August 1st at Department of Drug Design and…
Pharma Research 2023.06.30 Seven DFF grants for ILF research projects Five researchers at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology are heading seven new project funded by DFF, Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Pharma Research 2023.05.25 Are eye exams reliable in their prediction of glaucoma? This topic, as well as several other related subjects, will be examined by the project FOREVER-OCT, a new project that has received 4.2 mill DKK from the VELUX FOUNDATION.
Pharma Education 2023.05.22 Teacher of the year 2022 Professor Dan Stærk has been appointed Teacher of the year 2022 by the students. It is the third time Dan Stærk has been named Teacher of the year: he also received the acknowledgement in 2004 and 2018.
Pharma Outreach 2023.04.26 ”Medicinens Verden” – the World of Medicine, our new series of talks Medicinens Verden is a new initiative will bring the exciting world of our research to people outside of the university, as the talks all have a popular science perspective.
Pharma Outreach 2023.04.26 A CAN-group master student is Brain Battle finalist Collin A. Shampine is one of three finalists in the Lundbeck Brain Battle, an annual competition MSc students or MSc graduates seeking an industrial PhD in neuroscience at Lundbeck.
Pharma Research 2023.03.31 Three Marie-Curie postdoctoral Fellowships at ILF Three grants from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship programme. The postdocs are Laurie Peverini and Nadine Ritter with Professor Stephan Pless and Karl Tobias Gustavsson with Associate Professor Matthias…
Pharma News 2023.03.09 New Head of Department: “The pharmaceutical area has always been very close to my heart” On 1 April, Professor Dan Stærk becomes Head of the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology. One of his ambitions is to “set the department’s committed and talented staff free”.
Pharma Research 2023.02.27 Is a better treatment of chronic bone pain possible? ACTaNet hopes to create an efficient treatment of chronic pain in a project that received 1.2 mill Euro from Eurostar. Anne-Marie Heegaard from Dept. of Drug Design and Pharmacology is heading the research contribution…
Pharma Research 2023.02.14 Alexander Hauser receives 4.8 mill DKK for peptide signalling systems project Alexander Hauser has received the grant from Carlsberg Foundation’s Semper Ardens: Accelerate programme for the project “Discovery of Novel Peptide-GPCR Signalling Systems across Evolutionary Domains”.
Pharma Research 2023.01.16 Four researchers from ILF receive 114 mill DKK to expand our knowledge of the human brain Four ambitious research projects supported by the Lundbeck Foundation will give us completely new insights into the human brain, hopefully paving the way for new treatments of diseases such as Parkinson’s disease,…
Pharma Outreach 2022.12.16 Videnskabsklubben receives the Amalienborg Prize December 13, Professor Petrine Wellendorph participated in a ceremony at Amalienborg, where Videnskabsklubben received the Amalienborg Prize from HM Queen Margrethe on behalf of Dronning Margrethes og Prins Henriks Fond…
PhD Fellowships 2022.12.06 Center for Medicinal Chemistry announces 6 PhD fellowships Center for Medicinal Chemistry announces its first initiative of co-funded PhD fellowships with the industry. The initiative is financed with 9 mill DKK and is a broad collaboration
Pharma Talks 2022.09.30 Professor Bente Vestergaard is now emerita After an exciting and influential career with a great scientific impact, Professor Bente Vestergaard has now changed her title to Professor Emerita.
Pharma PhD 2022.09.06 DRA Summer School about research, career and diversity The Drug Research Academy (DRA) summer school took place 25-26 August 2022. This year, 115 PhD students and supervisors participated in the event, enjoying the beautiful venue Bymose Hegn in Helsinge and the…
Pharma Research 2022.06.23 Professor Bente Frølund receives a Novo Nerd 2022 grant Bente Frølund has recently received 8.5 mill DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to the project “Proximity-inducing new downstream chemistries - A platform for re-wiring cell signaling”.
matching researchers 2022.06.07 “You have a new match!” The “PerMed Match-Making Day” of the Personalised Medicine Research Cluster was a great success, and will likely be the beginning of many new matches between researchers.
Professor inauguration 2022.05.06 Professor Lennart Bunch, our new professor in medicinal chemistry The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology have welcomed Lennart Bunch as Professor of Medicinal Chemistry.
Grant 2022.05.02 New research to detect glaucoma timely Researchers from the University of Copenhagen receives a grant to launch a project to identify early signs of eye diseases before they develop in the patient.
2022.04.27 Anna Klawonn and Alexander Hauser new members of Lundbeck Foundation Investigators Network The Lundbeck Foundation has admitted assistant professors Alexander Hauser and Anna Mathia Klawonn into their recently established network of researchers, LFIN, Lundbeck Foundation Investigators Network.
Professor inauguration 2022.04.21 Stephan Pless, our new professor in chemical biology of ion channels Friday before Easter Stephan Pless was inaugurated as Professor within Chemical Biology of Ion Channels at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacy.
Skin 2022.04.04 Our skin cells could tell a tale of Parkinson’s without us even knowing The lipids, or fat molecules, in the skin are significantly different in patients with a certain type of Parkinson’s disease from healthy individuals, a new multicenter study involving the University of Copenhagen finds…
2022.03.04 This molecule is vital to our survival. Now we know what it looks like In order to live, all mammals depend on the function of a large molecule in our nerve cells made up of four proteins.
2022.03.03 Fredrik Björkling: 36 years in the Danish pharmaceutical industry and academia Professor Fredrik Björkling was celebrated at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology on his retirement last week.
2022.01.17 Two of our researchers have received the LF Experiment grant from the Lundbeck Foundation Postdoc Laura Mikél Mc Nair and Associate Professor Matthias Herth have received the grant given by the Lundbeck Foundation for audacious and innovative projects.